DPM: ‘I believe in local government’

In her first speech as Deputy Prime Minister, Angela Rayner acknowledged the challenges local government faces and thanked the sector for keeping vital public services running.

“You have a team who believes in local government and local power… Local government will always have a seat at the table and a voice in our government. Nothing works without strong local government,” she said.

The Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government pledged to reset the central-local relationship and rebuild its foundations by “going back to basics and delivering good and reliable services for people across Britain”. 

She said she wanted to position the sector at the heart of Labour’s five missions, including delivering 1.5 million homes and safer streets, but acknowledged the “biggest crisis facing local government is financial”, with rising demand and costs.

She reaffirmed the Government’s commitment to providing long-term integrated funding settlements, and ending the “Dragon’s Den approach” of bidding wars.

“Instead, we will show you some respect with long-term funding giving you the flexibility to spend it where it is needed.”

Ms Rayner was accompanied by Local Government Minister Jim McMahon who, in response to questions, talked about place-based budgeting, ‘invest to save’, and adult social care funding.


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