LG Challenge winner announced

Created in 2009, the Local Government Challenge brings together talented local government officers to compete in a series of real-life challenges around the country.

Alongside nine other contestants, Ms Scott Deuchar tackled recycling and reducing waste in Newcastle, culture and tourism in Calderdale, the Household Support Fund in Wiltshire, stronger communities in Waltham Forest, and artificial intelligence (AI) in Telford & Wrekin.

She then joined three other finalists pitching their own project ideas to a judging panel, including representatives of the LGA, Essex and Kent County Councils, and the Municipal Journal.

Ms Scott Deuchar was presented with her award – a £10,000 Bruce-Lockhart scholarship to implement her project – by Cllr Kevin Bentley, Leader of Essex, and LGA Senior Vice-Chairman.

She said: “Taking part in the Local Government Challenge 2024 has been such a rewarding and enriching experience. 

“Throughout the five challenges, I learned a huge amount from my fellow contestants and the host councils, and I returned to Islington each time with new ideas and renewed excitement for working in our sector.” 

The LGA would like to thank the host council members and officers who helped make the five challenges such a success.


Cross-party working

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