Transforming services

In recent years, it’s become increasingly clear that councils must change and adapt to meet the constantly evolving needs and aspirations of the people they serve. 

To achieve this, councils have been innovating and implementing transformation programmes across their services, with the goal of becoming more efficient and able to react better to the issues of today.

Whether it’s upskilling your workforce, introducing new technology, or making better use of data, the LGA’s Transformation programme – with its wide array of offers, including peer support, benchmarking, learning and skills – is designed to help councils achieve their transformation goals.

In response to consultation with the sector, we are also now expanding our support for councillors involved in these projects, with a new set of our Leadership Essentials courses, networking opportunities, and a transformation toolkit.

The new and fully funded Leadership Essentials programme will help demystify transformation, and give councillors the confidence, tools, skills and capability to shape and lead their local change agenda.

The two-day courses are aimed at those in leadership positions, but also provide an opportunity to introduce newly elected councillors to the concept of transformation, giving them the skills to become the next generation of transformational leaders.  

The Councillor Transformation Network will be launching in November 2024 and is primarily aimed at leaders, deputy leaders, and relevant portfolio holders/committee chairs, as well as any councillor with an interest in the subject.

To successfully innovate and transform services, it is crucial that councillors can meet in a safe environment to hear how other councils have overcome obstacles and implemented transformation programmes. 

Members of the network will learn from one another about what is happening in other councils; discuss emerging issues and trends affecting councils; identify barriers to, and facilitators for, implementing transformation; and hear from guest speakers on a variety of related topics.

We are also asking councils to nominate a councillor and officer to attend our ‘transformation action learning sets’. This experience facilitates peer-to-peer support between participants, allowing them to explore their project area regardless of expertise or position. 

The transformation focus can be wide-ranging, with previous sets featuring topics such as transforming special educational needs and disability services, transport, digital transformation, and council transformation strategy. 

Finally, our new Councillor Transformation Toolkit will be live at the end of September. 

The toolkit sets out the knowledge, skills and behaviours needed for successful transformation in a practical and accessible way, providing an agreed and shared understanding of language competencies and levels required to lead, govern, and scrutinise transformation.

For more information about all of these opportunities, please see the information box below.

Whatever your change programme is – big or small, service-specific or council-wide – and wherever you are on the transformation process, the LGA’s Transformation programme can help provide the support you need to get started, overcome hurdles, and keep going.


Celebrating young leaders

Crucial support at a critical time
