Taking the lead

In December, the second meeting of the Leaders’ Council took place, bringing together leaders from the LGA, our sector, and representatives from central government. 

The Leaders’ Council answers a central call of our cross-party LGA Local Government White Paper for a new, equal partnership between national and local government.

This second meeting was a hugely valuable chance to continue the dialogue between councils and government on many of the key areas affecting LGA members, including early intervention, homelessness, asylum and the Government’s English Devolution White Paper. 

We emphasised that the key is devolution that works for councils and their individual circumstances – importantly, their local areas, economies, and communities.

We also made plain that local government reorganisation should be a matter for councils and local areas to decide.

More local freedoms and control over local services were also discussed, to allow councils to try new ways of working that are tailored to their area, with a focus on prevention. The Government recognised this and indicated that it will help facilitate a ‘test and learn’ approach. 

The provisional local government finance settlement, published just days after the Leaders’ Council, was also raised. 

The introduction of multi-year finance settlements and an end to funding pots was good news, but the impact of increased employer National Insurance contributions remains a cause for concern.

Councils continue to face severe cost and demand pressures and this year’s Spending Review will be critical to the future of our local services.

The Leaders’ Council recognised that these are all complex challenges to address and that it is crucial that we get them right. 

Our discussions so far have established a good sense of the collaboration and communication needed to achieve that, but we will continue to make the case as your membership body and the national voice of local government.


Empowering local decision-makers

Reducing inequalities in early education
