Collaborating with our peers

More recently, the council underwent an LGA corporate peer challenge, and this has been a pivotal opportunity to gain external perspectives from our peers, validate our successes, and identify areas that need improvement. 

Collaborating with organisations such as the LGA is crucial for support and growth not only within Tamworth, but also across the wider local government sector; we’re all facing similar challenges, so working collaboratively can only make tackling those challenges easier for everyone.

Seeking a corporate peer challenge was also a chance for members to see where we stand compared with others and identify areas for improvement. 

Our feedback report is acting as a foundation document for service and organisational transformation. 

I particularly asked for a focus on community cohesion after we experienced civil unrest in August 2024. Having external local government experts provide their views on our progress in this area was invaluable.

Transparency and communication are part of my core values, and I’m glad the peer challenge report is an open document, accessible to all stakeholders, to be used as a tool to initiate a dialogue. 

It’s essential for staff to be aware of the findings and recommendations, as this fosters a culture of openness and continuous improvement. 

One of my goals is to ensure that Tamworth is a high-performing authority, and the peer challenge is a step towards achieving that.

In terms of process, it was positive and collaborative. With the peer team, it felt more like sharing our story than being inspected! 

Preparation was key, and I was pleased with how well we prepared for the challenge; we already knew our story, our strengths and our weaknesses. This set a positive tone and left a good impression on the peer team.

One of my most memorable moments was from the initial feedback session at the end of the peer team’s visit. They were genuinely impressed with our preparation and the positive steps we had taken. This was a moment of pride; it validated our efforts and gave us the confidence to continue on our path of improvement.

The feedback report highlighted areas for improvement, but there are no alarming findings. This tempered my initial urgency to implement changes overnight and is allowing me to focus on key areas for cultural shift and organisational development. 

The report provided a clear direction for our efforts, and I and my corporate management team are committed to addressing the recommendations.

I’m also taking steps to encourage my leadership team to actively participate in the LGA process by supporting the peer challenge with other local authorities. 

I see this as an integral part of their professional development and important for fostering a more strategic approach within the council.

Overall, for us, the LGA corporate peer challenge is proving a valuable experience. It has provided external validation, identified areas for improvement, and set the stage for future growth. 

I am optimistic about the positive impact this will have on our council and community.

  • Visit our website to find out more about the LGA’s Corporate Peer challenge programme. Tamworth Borough Council’s corporate peer challenge visit took place last October. As first was going to press, the peer challenge feedback report and the council’s draft action plan were being scrutinised by councillors

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