Working together on finances
Our shared work on the financial settlement for local government yielded a stopgap of a further essential £600 million, helping our councils set balanced budgets over the next month.
Our shared work on the financial settlement for local government yielded a stopgap of a further essential £600 million, helping our councils set balanced budgets over the next month.
As Independents and members of smaller parties, we need to take important – sometimes life-changing – decisions on behalf of all our residents, including the most vulnerable.
For the first time, local government had a proper seat at the top table with the other negotiators at the 2023 UN Climate Change Conference, and was saluted by many who now see the sector as at the heart of climate action.
We have been making efficiency savings in our councils, putting up council taxes and charges, and doing innovative ‘invest to save’ projects.
The lack of support for councils in this Government’s Autumn Statement will see rising needs unmet and an estimated £4 billion shortfall by 2024.
A life-size white elephant called HS2 greeted us as we arrived to support so many of our inspiring councillors at the Green Party Conference in Brighton in October.
The shocking news of fatal flooding in Libya is heartbreaking and there will be much we want to do to help.
Thanks to so many people who attended the LGA’s recent annual conference, an especially vibrant and inspiring event.
A warm welcome to all our new and returning councillors. We look forward to an exciting time ahead, changing lives for the better.
The proposals to change our planning rules have been described by some as a dramatic return to ‘old school’ planning, with stronger control from central government.