Booster jabs to counter winter infections
The Government has published its autumn and winter COVID-19 plan to help mitigate the potential risks of rising infection and hospitalisation rates over the coming months.
The Government has published its autumn and winter COVID-19 plan to help mitigate the potential risks of rising infection and hospitalisation rates over the coming months.
Extra funding for social care could have been raised through taxing landlords, Labour Leader Sir Keir Starmer MP has said.
The LGA has published guidance to help councils support their local businesses to take advantage of new and emerging export opportunities across the globe.
The coronavirus crisis has amplified existing challenges and created new ones in our major cities and towns, according to research commissioned by the LGA from Cambridge Econometrics Ltd.
Long-term funding, improved access to social housing and clarity of guidance for rough sleepers with no recourse to public funds are among the improvements councils want to see to support for rough sleepers.
Councils are warning that rural communities risk missing out on vital local services because of a surge of almost 225 per cent in homes converted from barns and farm buildings in the past five years.
Many residents of English rural and coastal communities benefit from a high quality of life, the characteristics of which cannot be obtained in the cities and suburbs.
The LGA has been raising councils’ environmental concerns with MPs and Peers.
Social media has become an important public space, where councillors share political information and engage with other councillors, officers and residents.
The LGA is making the case for local leadership to address national challenges.