Steering a path to net zero
The LGA has published a new workbook to help councillors tackle climate change.
The LGA has published a new workbook to help councillors tackle climate change.
The LGA’s podcasts aim to improve public understanding of what councils do.
Local government impacts the lives of citizens every day, providing essential services to those it serves. Its decisions directly affect the quality of life of local people.
The Supreme Court has ruled that the national minimum wage does not apply to hours when workers are expected to sleep, including time when care workers are paid to sleep overnight in someone’s home on a precautionary basis.
St. Modwen Logistics launches ‘Swan Standard’ philosophy.
The LGA has set out a six-point plan to protect vulnerable households who could face the prospect of losing their homes, following the lifting of the ban on bailiff-enforced evictions at the end of May.
New figures show that the number of children and young people in England with an education, health and care plan (EHCP) was up 10 per cent at 430,697 in January 2021.
The LGA has highlighted to MPs safety issues and the extra costs of running ballots during the pandemic.
The LGA’s annual conference kicks off online from 6-8 July, with a host of expert speakers from across local and national government, other public services, business and the third sector addressing more than 1,300 delegates.
Staff in care homes for older people in England could be required to have a COVID-10 vaccine under plans being consulted on by the Government.