The LGA’s Budget submission
Despite increased government support, councils need a further £2.6 billion in this financial year to plug funding gaps arising from the pandemic.
Despite increased government support, councils need a further £2.6 billion in this financial year to plug funding gaps arising from the pandemic.
The LGA offers seminars and events to help councillors build valuable networks with their peers, including dedicated sessions for women, ethnic minority and younger elected members.
Local government workers, firefighters, teachers, police officers and foster carers were among the public sector workers on the New Year Honours List 2021.
Priority groups are receiving their first vaccine doses as the country begins another round of national lockdowns.
Councils can make a difference when it comes to helping young people at risk of dropping out of school or work.
Certain key public services are best delivered locally, according to a landmark review of the pandemic.
In need of remote learning tools to reduce costs while increasing hours of education, local authorities are turning to a desktop robot.
Partnering with local authorities to deliver community EV-charging schemes.
Despite the unprecedented challenges the country has faced over the past year because of the coronavirus pandemic, the tragedy of the Grenfell Tower fire in 2017 is still very present in the memories of people living and working in social housing.
MPs have called on the Government to counter rising unemployment by creating green jobs and focusing investment in energy efficiency, the circular economy, climate adaptation and nature recovery.