The finance settlement 2021
A funding increase for councils will be dependent on them increasing council tax bills.
A funding increase for councils will be dependent on them increasing council tax bills.
A new charter giving social housing tenants in England a greater voice and making landlords more accountable has been announced by the Government.
Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick has announced a further £203 million for councils to help get rough sleepers off the streets and into safe accommodation.
More than half a million tonnes of household recycling was rejected at the point of sorting in 2019/20 because of non-recyclable materials being placed in household bins, the LGA has reported.
Every council requires money to finance the resources it needs to provide local public services. So, every councillor should take an interest in the way their council is funded and the financial decisions the council takes.
More than 20 local authorities have contributed to a new ‘playbook’ on economic recovery, commissioned by the LGA.
Key local services on the frontline of the COVID-19 response face additional pressure as a result of the end of EU transition arrangements.
The pandemic and changes to official guidance are leading some councils to review their commercial investments.
The LGA has been pressing for new guidance to prioritise fire risk assessments of the most high-priority buildings.
More than a million young people in England could be missing formal full-time education, fuelled by significant gaps in education legislation, rising child support needs and a lack of funding, according to a new LGA report.