A better focus on the local

The political landscape has shifted away from the old two-party system, as people look for something else, something better. 

That’s where our members come in, increasing the diversity of thinking in Parliament.  

Some of our members will have their own political views and we will certainly not agree on everything. Nevertheless, there will be many issues where we can join forces to improve funding and legislation to help us do more for residents locally. 

With 18 MPs, our Independent Group has a good opportunity to help shape plans and influence Parliament on local government issues across England and Wales. 

Our councillors have worked hard on developing proposals, incorporated into the LGA’s cross-party Local Government White Paper, which now encapsulates a useful way forward for central and local government in a new relationship and a renewed agenda. 

The synergy with Labour’s ‘missions’ is evident, and we will need to work together with more than 3,000 LGA Independent Group councillors to get the best ideas developed and put forward for action.

Congratulations to our successful new MPs, and to all our members who dared to stand for Parliament and helped people think about the things that matter, often bringing a better focus on the local. 

Thanks to all who helped in the elections – a no-less-vital part of the process! 

Our group enjoys a renewed vitality and focus on improving life for our residents, helping to design better funding and legislation, based on local needs.

  • For more information about the LGA’s political groups, see www.local.gov.uk

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Largest number of MPs ever
