Independents have turned the tide

The tide has turned, and the ascent of Independent and Green councillors is nothing short of breathtaking, each with significant gains soaring beyond the previous tally. 

Independents and those in Residents’ Associations gained 104 members and Greens increased by 74 members. 

“The ascent of Independent and Green councillors is nothing short of breathtaking”

In total, the LGA Independent group saw 464 members elected, a gain of 183 seats, on a par with Labour and leaving the Conservatives with a loss of 474 seats. 

In Wales, Plaid Cymru retained their police and crime commissioner seat in Dyfed-Powys. 

In Solihull, history was made by the council welcoming its first Muslim Mayor, Green Party Cllr Shahin Ashraf MBE. And in Bristol, the Greens ended Labour’s historic rule over the city council and are now the largest party in the new committee system. 

Around 50 councils are already led by Independent, Green and Plaid Cymru councillors and many more lead or serve in opposition.  

Supported by our peer mentoring offer, we continue to grow steadily in number and power, building a reputation of working closely with residents to achieve shared success. 

Ipsos MORI is showing our combined group at 28 per cent, second only to Labour and rising. It could well be that our new MPs will have a key role. 

Congratulations again and thank you for standing and for supporting our residents. We have a great foundation set to make 4 July Independents’ Day in the UK!


60 seconds with… Councillor Jagdish Sharma

Impressive gains in local elections
