Largest number of MPs ever

I want to offer a huge congratulations, particularly to the Lib Dem councillors who were elected as MPs. I think it is 35 in total, plus eight former councillors! 

It’s really amazing, and it exceeded our expectations. With 72 MPs, we have shown that our party is well and truly back as a national force in Parliament. 

I hope our new champions will stand up for local government and hold this new Labour Government to account. The sector needs parliamentarians to champion it now more than ever. 

“The sector needs parliamentarians to champion it now more than ever”

Councils are in a financial and staffing crisis. We need Lib Dem MPs to be banging the drum for local government.

We must do something about local government funding, the future of social care, and the crisis in special needs education, otherwise local government will collapse. It’s as simple as that

Of course, the sector has a long way to go too, in delivering genuinely affordable homes again, including council homes, and tackling the climate emergency – building on the best practice delivered by Lib Dem councils and councillors.

Tackling the backlog in investment in the nation’s infrastructure will make this happen.

Let’s use the optimism there is at the moment, and channel that energy into solving some of the huge crises facing the country.


A better focus on the local

Resetting national-local relationships
