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While the country eagerly sat waiting for the heatwave to pass, what was the Government doing?
While the country eagerly sat waiting for the heatwave to pass, what was the Government doing?
Celebrating our local election successes and sharing good practice were at the centre of our offer at the LGA’s annual conference in Harrogate in late June.
In July, we saw the hottest day in our country’s history, and there is evidence that we should be expecting many more.
A couple of years ago, I heard a story about an older lesbian who had to move into a sheltered housing scheme – and who had started dating men to fit in.
Many councillors will be familiar with their council’s corporate risk register, where threats to its core functions and financial health are identified and actions taken to mitigate these risks are detailed.
There has been a flurry of government announcements in respect of housing and planning that, taken in the round, have started to address some of the issues that have long concerned the LGA and councils.
It is a huge honour to have been elected as the new Leader of the LGA’s Labour Group and Labour’s leader in local government.
The Prime Minister addressed the cost-of-living and housing crises, outlining his plan to help the nation with household finances and home ownership.
I have been greatly concerned about the recent announcement to extend the Right to Buy scheme to social housing providers.
Launched with a flurry of grand statements, the ‘Levelling up the UK’ White Paper promised to ‘break the link between geography and destiny, so that no matter where you live you have access to the same opportunities’.