Rebuilding mentally healthier communities
Mental ill health costs thousands of lives and more than £105 billion every year – an average of £700 million per upper-tier council area in England alone.
Mental ill health costs thousands of lives and more than £105 billion every year – an average of £700 million per upper-tier council area in England alone.
Being confined to our homes during the COVID-19 pandemic has been very difficult for all of us. We are bored, worried, and want to return to our normal life quickly. Hopefully, after a few more weeks, we will be able to do so.
The scale of the challenge that councils are currently facing requires strong, responsive and resilient leadership.
The coronavirus pandemic has brought about fast-paced changes to the way we live and work.
It comes as a shock to realise that, however large a majority you have secured to achieve a particular ambition for your residents, you alone are not going to achieve it.
There was a lot of national media commentary and coverage about the role of the NHS at the General Election, which was unsurprising given all the commitments major political parties …