Planning for the future

What a conference! The first Labour Party annual conference with a Labour Government since 2009 was a wonderful mix of celebration, policy debate, and fringe engagement from a variety of organisations. 

It was fantastic to see so many councillors from across the country (more than 1,000 registered!) and I was able to thank many of you in person for the hard work you do for your communities and for the Labour Party, year in, year out, whether there is a general election or not. 

It was also my first Labour conference as the Leader of the LGA Labour Group, so I was privileged to address the main conference hall in this capacity. With so many councillors in the audience, I outlined the dire inheritance from the Conservative Government, which has left so many councils on their knees, an NHS on the brink of collapse, unprecedented homelessness, and an economy that has flatlined for far too long. 

Labour councils have fought against these circumstances for years, protecting vulnerable residents and planning for the future. 

We were able to look to the future in both the Prime Minister’s and Deputy Prime Minister’s speeches. 

National, regional and local government will work hard together to deliver Labour’s five missions and change our country for the better. From devolving powers to mayors and councils to plans for a record number of council homes, turning attention to the social care system, building a better future through education for our young people and making our communities safer, local government is committed to delivering. 

“National, regional and local government will work hard together to deliver Labour’s five missions and change our country for the better”

The LGA Labour Group hosted an excellent Rally for Local Government, which was packed to the rafters. 

The highlights were speeches from Angela Rayner MP, Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government; Jim McMahon MP, Minister for Local Government and English Devolution; and Louise Haigh MP, Secretary of State for Transport – as well as from some of our fantastic leaders in local government. 

Events such as these demonstrate the influence local government has and highlight how the new Labour Government is keen to work with us in partnership. 

The wider LGA also hosted a number of panels in conference’s Local Government Zone. Speakers included council leaders and cabinet members from across the country; Florence Eshalomi MP, Chair of the Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee; chairs of housing providers and of business associations; and MPs. 

I was pleased to speak on how devolution can support local growth, alongside Jim McMahon MP, Steve Rotheram, Mayor of Liverpool City Region, and external stakeholders – all chaired by Cllr Louise Gittins, Chair of the LGA. 

Manchester City Council has seen first hand how growth can be accelerated by place-based decisions, and I was pleased to fly the flag. 

We now look forward to the LGA’s annual conference in Harrogate from 22-24 October, for cross-party as well as party-political discussions on everything local government. 

I hope to see many of you there.


Positive engagement

Agents for change
