Unlocking innovation in local government

The Innovation Zone is the ‘ideas hub’ of the LGA’s annual conference, featuring the best and brightest new ideas in local government, and it will remain a key part of the conference programme this year.

Taking place from 22-24 October in Harrogate, this year’s Innovation Zone will provide a vibrant and interactive space at the conference. It will give councils and partners the opportunity to showcase their innovative solutions to the sector’s challenges to delegates from across the local government sector.

As Chair of the Improvement and Innovation Board, and of the Innovation Zone’s Member-Led Working Group, I am delighted to say we have another diverse programme this year. 

There will be more than 40 engaging talks featuring councils from across the country. Sessions will showcase work on key issues of significance for the sector – ranging from social services and digital technologies to public health, workforce, and much more.

All sessions will be creative and interactive, with opportunities for delegates to ask questions and share learning about improving local government services and communities across all regions. 

“With up to three presentations at any one time, there will always be something exciting on”

With up to three presentations running at any one time, there will always be something exciting going on to interest delegates.

Our highly regarded ‘Spotlight on’ sessions will also feature again this year, providing talks on cutting-edge issues that aim to challenge and inspire. 

The first session will be focused on a joint project by the Carbon Literacy Trust and Manchester City Council to train unprecedented numbers of its officers and members (96 per cent) in carbon literacy. The aim is to enable delivery of action plans, driving carbon targets and greater embedding of climate performance across policy and decision-making.

The ‘Spotlight on’ series will also highlight an artificial intelligence project by our hosts, North Yorkshire Council. Speakers will showcase a tool they have used to review and highlight information from a multitude of sources to enable social workers to see data in a different way, and to deliver services more effectively while improving outcomes for the children and families that use the service.

I am particularly looking forward to presenting, alongside Best Value Commissioner Gavin Jones, on the LGA’s strengthened Corporate Peer Challenge approach launched earlier this year, and the relationship with the new Best Value guidance. Liverpool City Council will also be sharing insights from its experience of this process and the impact it has had.  

The zone will also feature a series of exciting talks hosted by Newton, our Innovation Zone sponsor, and its partners, including a session with Leeds City Council on integration of health and social care systems, and the positive impacts this has had on its residents.

Finally, besides its excellent programme of events, Newton will be supplying free coffee throughout the conference, brewed by a team of professional baristas, to give delegates a chance to recharge!

Find out more about the Innovation Zone and book your conference place – I am looking forward to seeing you all in Harrogate.


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