7.7m households ‘in fuel stress’

The Resolution Foundation think tank said the Government needs to do more to support vulnerable households who are no longer eligible for winter fuel payments and those who never have been eligible.

Fuel stress is defined as families needing to spend more than 10 per cent of their income (after housing costs) on heating. 

The report calls on the Chancellor to expand the cold weather payments scheme to protect vulnerable households – including pensioners and working-age families living in poverty – in time for this winter.

Cllr Pete Marland, Chair of the LGA’s Economy and Resources Board, said councils are doing what they can to support the most vulnerable in their communities, adding: “It is good that the Household Support Fund has been extended and will allow many councils to provide much-needed support to families.

“As this report recommends, expanding and reforming cold weather payments could capture more households most in need of help with rising energy bills, including poorer pensioners, as well as families, without adversely impacting on public finances.

“Ultimately, councils want to see a shift away from short-term crisis support so they can invest instead in preventative services that improve people’s financial resilience and life chances. Crucially, this must be underpinned by a sufficiently resourced national welfare system.”


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