Extremism definition updated

Organisations or individuals deemed extremist under the new definition will not be criminalised, but will be barred from contact with government and will not be able to receive government funding.

Alongside the definition – which is not statutory and updates what was introduced in 2011, under the Prevent strategy – the Government has published a set of ‘engagement principles’ to ensure public bodies do not provide a platform, funding or legitimacy to groups that are deemed to “negate our fundamental rights and freedoms and overturn the UK’s system of liberal parliamentary democracy”. 

Cllr Heather Kidd, Chair of the LGA’s Safer and Stronger Communities Board, said: “Councils have an essential role to play in building and maintaining cohesive communities, and in preventing radicalisation and tackling extremism.  

“This is a task that has faced unprecedented challenges because of the conflict in the Middle East and a lack of funding for councils’ counter-extremism work.

“Investing in a long-term approach, which includes a multi-agency support offer for those at risk of radicalisation, is vital in addressing some of the wider issues that may contribute to individuals becoming radicalised and creating tensions in our communities.”


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