LGA ‘offer’ to new government

Writing to Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer after the 4 July general election, LGA Chair Cllr Louise Gittins also highlighted how local government – as place leaders, innovators, and providers and convenors of local services – holds the keys to solving some of our biggest national challenges.

These include: ending the housing crisis; achieving net zero; improving the nation’s health and wellbeing; driving inclusive growth; and giving children and young people the best start in life.

“With the right support and reforms, local government’s offer is huge: we will unlock prosperity, breathe life back into struggling communities, and rebuild vital services that improve people’s lives and break down barriers to opportunity,” she added.

But Cllr Gittins also warned there has “never been a more difficult time for local government”, with council finances on a knife edge and LGA analysis predicting a £6.2 billion funding gap over the next two years.

“If we are going to jointly solve issues such as the broken children’s social care market, special needs education, homelessness, and temporary accommodation, then the forthcoming spending review must prioritise these areas,” she said. 

In her letter to the Prime Minister, Cllr Gittins welcomed the Government’s commitment to delivering a radical transfer of power from Westminster to local communities, noting that “with more power, local government can help kick-start economic growth and break down barriers to opportunity”.


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