Reflect and reset
The LGA Annual Conference and Exhibition is an opportunity to focus on the issues that matter most to local communities.
The LGA Annual Conference and Exhibition is an opportunity to focus on the issues that matter most to local communities.
Ending charges for disposing of DIY waste at household recycling centres will put unnecessary pressure on refuse departments and won’t improve services, the LGA warns.
Councils will be given powers to set up their own multi-academy trusts, following many years of campaigning by the LGA.
The Government has set out its vision for a single, national, special educational needs and disability (SEND) and alternative provision system that ‘sets clear standards’ for the support given to children.
The LGA has published a new report setting out its practical vision for an integrated and devolved employment and skills service.
This year’s local elections in England and Wales encompass 5,600 seats in 168 councils. Labour is defending the largest number in both countries.
Councils are supporting disadvantaged young people into education, employment and training .
As the horror unfolds in Ukraine, it is impossible to not be moved by the fight of the Ukrainian people, in the face of an aggressive neighbour led by a tyrant and a bully willing to do anything to achieve his goals.