Supported housing changes to help vulnerable residents
A package of measures designed to put an end to dishonest landlords exploiting some of the most vulnerable people in society has been announced by the Government.
A package of measures designed to put an end to dishonest landlords exploiting some of the most vulnerable people in society has been announced by the Government.
The Government’s chief medical officer has warned that hospitalisations will continue to rise into early April.
The Government has announced an additional £150 million to prop up local bus services still recovering from the pandemic.
Councils and directors of public health have called for an urgent extension of local outbreak management funding because of rising rates of COVID-19.
Councils could face a budget black hole this year amid growing concerns about underfunded adult social care reforms, the LGA has warned.
The LGA has launched a ‘Levelling up local’ inquiry into how the Government’s levelling up agenda might better strengthen local communities.
More than 1,000 youth and community support workers could be recruited using money removed from a flagship government fund for youth services, according to new LGA analysis.
Highlight Parking has launched its AI-powered Smoke and Fire Early Warning System (S.A.F.E.), which detects smoke or fire within a few seconds.
Government’s new white paper aims to give power to local authorities to make improvements in their communities.
Integration is not an end in itself – it is key to improving the health and lives of local people.