‘Empower local authorities to deliver more homes’
Making housebuilding targets mandatory centralises policy and weakens local decision-making powers, the LGA has warned in response to proposed planning reforms.
Making housebuilding targets mandatory centralises policy and weakens local decision-making powers, the LGA has warned in response to proposed planning reforms.
There are 7.7 million households in England at risk of fuel stress this winter, including the majority of families with children, new research has found.
Better targeting of existing money spent on health prevention could deliver an extra £11 billion annual return on investment, according to the NHS Confederation.
The number of heterosexual men and women newly diagnosed in England with HIV has risen by more than 30 per cent since 2022, according to the latest HIV surveillance data from the UK Health Security Agency.
The Deputy Prime Minister, Angela Rayner, has announced a series of measures to protect renters and improve housing standards.
New figures show that around six million people aged 18 and over (11.9 per cent) smoked cigarettes in the UK in 2023 – the lowest proportion of current smokers since records began in 2011.