Empowering self-build and housing diversity
Councillor John O’Neill (Lib Dem) is Cabinet Member for Adults and Homes at South Gloucestershire Council.
Enabling residents to build their own homes
In 2015, Fareham Borough Council recognised the newly introduced self and custom-build legislation as an exciting opportunity to diversify local housing and promote home ownership and were eager to integrate these housing options into the community.
A regional focus
Visiting local authorities to find out about the amazing work you are doing on behalf of your residents is one of the most enjoyable, but also humbling, parts of my role as Chair of the LGA.
The art of the economically possible
Our Labour Government has the unenviable task of balancing what it would wish to do with what is economically possible.
Local government is the pillar of our party
Conservative Party conference this year demonstrated that the Conservative local government family is now the dominant pillar of our party.
Committed to serving our communities
As I reminded my party’s conference in September, there were local elections this May – as well as the amazing general election results, where a record 72 Lib Dem MPs were returned.
Keeping democracy near to residents
We will shortly be gathering for the ‘Glastonbury of local government’, the LGA’s annual conference in Harrogate.