Celebrating local democracy
Local authorities, from Iceland to Turkey, are finding innovative ways to improve communication between residents and councillors.
Local views on local elections
In just a few days, everyone in England and Wales will be able to vote in an unprecedented round of local and national elections.
Employment and skills support
Councils have an important role to play in joining up support for people retraining or facing unemployment.
World Environment Day 2021
Councils are leading on a whole range of climate projects and initiatives.
Time to be judged on our record
The local election campaign is well under way – a busy time for us all!
Digital political leadership
Support is available to help councillors navigate the world of digital and technology.
Support for young parents
No child should have their life story written before they are born, but the fact is that many do.
Vaccinations: a huge national achievement
I would like to wish those of you who are defending your seats the very best of luck. To those of you who are stepping down as a councillor, a huge thank you for your service to your communities.
Delivering on social value
Back in 2013, in an effort to improve the social value of the council’s commissioning and procurement, Birmingham City Council adopted a social value policy and a living wage policy, and established the Birmingham Business Charter for Social Responsibility.