Boom in digital library usage
Libraries across some parts of the country have seen an increase in newly registered users of more than 600 per cent since lockdown measures were introduced, the LGA has reported.
Libraries across some parts of the country have seen an increase in newly registered users of more than 600 per cent since lockdown measures were introduced, the LGA has reported.
Municipal bonds offer councils more control over their debt and are a good way to raise money for local infrastructure.
The LGA has joined forces with Arts Council England and other partners to ensure there is a joined-up approach across the sector to supporting culture through the COVID-19 crisis.
In the middle of what is an unprecedented public health crisis affecting all of us, I want to thank every councillor and council member of staff for their continuing hard work on behalf of their local communities.
The coronavirus crisis proves the artificiality of the funding divide between the NHS and social care, according to a recent research note from the think tank Policy Exchange.
The Government has launched a consultation over its First Homes scheme, which proposes to cut the cost of some new homes by a third for first-time buyers.
The majority of the LGA’s work is now focused on helping local government address COVID-19 and its consequences The LGA has re-focused its support offer to councils to reflect the …
With the coronavirus crisis continuing to expand, local government is once again proving its importance to the nation.
Adult and community education is providing a vital lifeline during the pandemic – but more funding is needed to help councils run extra courses virtually.
Retailers, including online businesses, need to stop selling knives by default to help tackle the knife-crime epidemic, the LGA has said.