‘More’ damp and mould in private housing
More than half of private renters – including 1.6 million children – are living in excessively cold, damp or mouldy homes, according to Citizens Advice.
More than half of private renters – including 1.6 million children – are living in excessively cold, damp or mouldy homes, according to Citizens Advice.
The crisis in the NHS is “largely a crisis in older people’s preventative care”, according to a report from the charity Age UK.
Millions of people with mental health needs are still not accessing services, with some facing lengthy waits for treatment, says a recent report from the National Audit Office.
A “broad and joined-up approach” is required to stop terrorism, the LGA has said, following a review of Prevent, a programme designed to stop people from being radicalised.
Councils can apply for a share of £200 million to help improve walking, wheeling and cycling in their areas.
Good practice from councils shows the potential for reducing health inequalities – if properly resourced.
Culture, sport and leisure services can help boost high streets and improve wellbeing.
Libraries in Dorset are engaging young children with special needs and their families.