‘Wraparound’ care a struggle for councils
Local authorities are struggling with the delivery of ‘wraparound’ childcare amid significant funding and staff recruitment challenges, says an LGA-commissioned report.
Local authorities are struggling with the delivery of ‘wraparound’ childcare amid significant funding and staff recruitment challenges, says an LGA-commissioned report.
The value of the Healthy Start scheme needs to increase by 20 per cent to compensate for increases in the cost of food, new LGA analysis has found.
Children’s services are continuing to deliver improvements and sustain strong performance, according to a new report commissioned by the LGA.
Earlier this year, we published findings showing that family group conferences can keep children out of care, to instead live safely at home with their families.
There is increasing concern about children and young people’s mental health in the UK, demonstrated in recent surveys with children, parents, education and health professionals.
For as long as I can remember, I have cared passionately about education and support for children in general.
Libraries in Dorset are engaging young children with special needs and their families.
Primary school pupils will benefit from a new careers programme to encourage them to think about future jobs early, while nurturing aspirations and challenging stereotypes.